Celebrate Armistice

Anglican Peacemakers are looking to the Centenary of the Armistice, as more than a closure of conflict:  it is a platform for rediscovering the gestures and processes of making that peace in which enemies become friends. We thank God that since 1945, real friendship between Britain and our allies, and Germany and her allies has been established; but in penitence for unresolved  embers flaring up into violence since then and in the present.

The Centenary is a great opportunity for representatives of former enemies to embrace each other in peace;

whether in Parish Churches, or with ecumenical and community participation in public spaces. We suggest early invitations to local German and other language group congregations; twinning representatives; colleges and schools; sporting links, as well as commercial colleagues and friends.

Here we will offer materials for public acts of remembrance and for worship and we will offer some examples of reconciliation and peacemaking post 1914.  Many of the materials included are written by APF members.

Remembering Armistice Resources 2018

You can also find out about other resources from the Church of England and Network of Christian Peace Organisations